Bundle Of 5 Energy Clearing + Akashic Record Reading Sessions


Bundle Of 5 Energy Clearing + Akashic Record Reading Sessions


This is the bundle package to purchase 5 Energy Clearings and Akashic Record Readings at once.

*Use of Bundle Sessions to be finalized within a 2-month period. (this is necessary so we work through your blocks and issues quickly with a week of integration time in between. This work is most effective when we build it up like this to help you continue to release and gain momentum in your healing and transmutation process. Moving you from point A, to point B, to point C and beyond with swiftness and ease as opposed to letting life get in the way

In each session we first do an Energy Clearing through your whole body and field and then dive into your Akashic Records to bring you clarity on what your Soul is here for along with next steps your Higher Self is needing you to take to get you more aligned with your Soul’s Purpose.

Please DM me if you need a payment plan.

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