Generational Healing Package


Generational Healing Package


This is 4-Session Process complete with an Energy Clearing and Akashic Record Reading that is deeply focused on healing your inner child wounds and the unhealthy generational and ancestral patterns and cycles that have been passed down to you. Any trauma you’re needing to work through as well as trauma that’s been passed down from your lineage will be brought up and worked with as well to be transmuted and removed from your Soul’s Imprint.

This is some of the most important work you can do to help you move mountains in your life as well as if you’re feeling called to heal your family lineage for future generations and the Greater Good of the Collective Consciousness.

Accessing your Guides, Angels, Ancestors and Akashic Records, this will be a deep dive into what needs uncovering, what needs to be healed, what needs to be worked on and what chains need to be broken to carve a new groove into the record of your family history.

The time is now and if this calls to you, then chances are pretty good that you’re being asked to do this work for all that have come before you and all that are coming after you. The time is now and you are the chosen one to lead the way and Re:Write the narrative for your blood line.

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